Texas based KumoTek announces the KumoTek KT-X (KumoTek-X) bipedal humanoid robot developed in cooperation with Japanese Vstone.
KumoTek targets the educational market with its KT-X robot kit. KumoTek has built an entire education system around their robots called Robot P.E.T.S. (Robots Promoting Education Through Science).
The idea behind Robot P.E.T.S. isn't to build a machine that will do your chores, bring you drinks, or beat up bullies. Instead it is cool curriculum designed to pull kids away from video games and launch them into the world of robotics science and mechanical engineering.
There are three versions of the KumoTek KT-X robot kit available starting at $990.
Available versions:
KT-X Lite: 13 motors -- $990 USD
KT-X: 17 motors -- $1,290 USD
KT-X Gladiator: (w/ rotating hips and torso): 20 motors -- $1,490 USD
The 13 inches tall KT-X robot can be controlled with a wireless PS2 controller.
The KumoTek robots are selling on the Robporium site. See also the KumoTek site.